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Cherishing The Memory Of Loved Ones You’ve Lost

Throughout my life, I have cherished my cameras…

I’d be willing to say that the camera is one of – if not the greatest – technological invention. Upon its creation, the camera began capturing our life moments, allowing us to hold on to our memories and learn about our ancestors in ways we never could before. They say “a picture …

Preserving Your Family Legacy With Photo Restoration

First off, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year!

Here’s hoping that you greatly enjoyed the holidays and were able to take lots of photos with your family members and friends. They will certainly make for many great memories!

Preserving Your Family Legacy

You are …

How To Give New Life To Old Photographs

How To Provide New Life To Old Memories

Now that September is here, our children are about to embark on a new school year where more memories will be made. There’s a special feeling that comes with the first day of school each year – for both children and their parents. Parents can’t help but pull out the camera to …

Photo Deterioration: What Can Be Done?

Protecting Your Precious Photos From Deteriorating

Sunlight. It can be a photographer’s best friend and a photograph’s worst enemy. Sensibly, photographers like having their subjects well-lit and natural sunlight helps to make for bright and beautiful pictures. However, no photographer would ever like to have his or her developed photos spend time in the sun. The same sunshine that helped …

Dear Empty Nesters, I Can Help You Downsize!

Dear Empty Nesters, I Can Help You Downsize!

Welcome to June! It’s a wondrous month for most kids, because it represents the last month of school. For so many parents, however, it’s a time of year when they fear how crazy their homes are about to get with the kids being in them more often. Needless to say, most parents …

Why Is Photo Preservation So Important?

Why Is Photo Preservation So Important?

How good are our memories, really? Yes, we can recall many different occasions that we’ve enjoyed throughout the years. As a result, we often tell stories as fun as the time Dad caught that huge fish at the lake or as heart-warming as the moment we fell in love with our significant others. Each …