First off, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year!
Here’s hoping that you greatly enjoyed the holidays and were able to take lots of photos with your family members and friends. They will certainly make for many great memories!
Preserving Your Family Legacy
You are very likely looking forward to making new memories in the months to come. With today’s smartphones doubling as digital cameras, those memories will be easier to hold on to than ever before. However…
Do you find your memories of years past beginning to fade?
Of course you do. It’s only natural. However, if I substituted the word “memories” with “photographs” in that question, it would likely provide the same answer. Both our memories and old photographs tend to fade over time. We can only remember so many vivid details. When it comes to old photographs, they can’t help but endure a mix of erosion, wear and tear and fading from age or poor storage. This is why I so highly recommend Photo Restoration.
At PhotoWise, we offer custom digital photo restoration, retouching and enhancement to give new life to your old photos! We use a state-of-the-art scanning process that makes digital copies of your old and tattered photographs, saving them in very high resolutions. We then manually restore each photo using professional software.
To tell you the truth, this requires a very skillful touch. It takes both precision and time to adequately restore an old photo, especially if it is in really bad shape. This process, by the way, presents no risks to your original photos. They will not be damaged any further than they already are. We care for your photos like they were our own.
What are the major benefits of photo restoration?
They undo seemingly permanent damage. Old photos generally take quite the beatings. They get folded and bent. They get scratched and ripped. They get torn and sliced. Some even get burnt! Our Photo Restoration process helps to do away with those “blemishes” to bring old pictures back to states that appear as if they were recently taken. It’s quite the remarkable outcome. I truly enjoy the reactions I get when my customers see their old once-thought-to-be-unsalvageable pictures look brand new again.
They help to preserve your family history.
If you ask me, this is the biggest deal. The act of restoring photos is a lot more than saving old pictures. It keeps your family legacy alive. Most people believe that their family photos are their most prized possessions and list them as the number one thing they’d most want to save if their houses were burning down.
Keep in mind that your restored photos are also saved digitally. Once your photos are restored, you can make as many copies of them as you wish. Digitally restored photos make incredible gifts for family members and friends.
I believe that yesterday’s memories preserved with today’s technology provide tomorrow’s treasures. Please don’t hesitate to contact me today to learn more about the Photo Restoration services offered by PhotoWise!