Throughout my life, I have cherished my cameras…
I’d be willing to say that the camera is one of – if not the greatest – technological invention. Upon its creation, the camera began capturing our life moments, allowing us to hold on to our memories and learn about our ancestors in ways we never could before. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that “the camera never lies” (Photoshop however….. 😉 ). These aren’t just whimsical idioms. They are true statements.
In fact, I think it’s safe to say that they may even be understatements. Pictures, I’d submit, are worth a lot more than a thousand words. They preserve memories that enable us to recall stories and time periods of our lives that can last for hours. This is especially true when those stories are about our lost loved ones.
Nothing feels worse that coping with the loss of a loved one.
Although each and every one of us is guaranteed a life that will end at some point, this in itself does not lessen the pain. It hurts. We miss our grandparents, parents, friends, pets, and the many other relationships that effectively end when those individuals pass away. Naturally, we’ll always miss them and recall the happier times when they were here.
However, it’s the pictures that contain their images that help us to truly hold on to their memories. Yes, they can initiate a bout with tears. But what would we do without those pictures? I truly cherish the photographs I’ve taken of the people and pets I’ve lost in my life. The pictures mean so much to me, as they represent various times in my life when I experienced such joy with the people I loved. Those moments are important. They deserve to be cherished forever.
Cherish the memories of your lost loved ones with a professional photo book
I feel that there’s no better way to cherish the memories of our lost loved ones than to construct Photo Books with their pictures.
You may be wondering what makes a Photo Book any different than a photo album. Let me begin by mentioning that a Photo Book can be compared to a coffee table book in that its pages are made up of the photographs themselves. They are high-quality, high-resolution printed pages of your photos that otherwise would experience a lot of wear and tear and other forms of deterioration throughout the years. As opposed to heavy photo albums, people quite enjoy picking up a photobook and reminiscing over the photographs as they flip through the beautiful pages one by one.
Photo albums don’t exactly help to prevent such deterioration. In fact, in many cases, photo albums add to the diminishing quality of old photographs. When kept in dark and dusty places like closets and humid basements and garages, the pictures can endure degradation due to the environmental elements. Not to mention, when the photographs are handled, everything from finger smudges to the adhesive or plastic used in the photo albums can reduce their quality and increase the speed of their deterioration.
Professional Photo Books help to preserve the quality of your precious photos for the long haul. Not to mention, they can be uniquely designed with text to tell a special version of your lost loved one’s life story. Photos are often arranged chronologically, but you always have the option of telling the story that you think best suits the person you’re commemorating.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me today so that we can get started on a professional PhotoBook that perfectly preserves your cherished memories!